Wednesday, October 19, 2016

His Love and Protection Prevail (Day 19)


This is the 19th post for our Write 31 Days series 31 Days of Miracles: Who is Our God. Today, Rivkah Isaacs (see below for her bio) shares her story.
Crying and broken hearted, I hung up the phone in my college dorm room with my head in my hands. Once again, this person who was supposed to love me couldn’t or wouldn’t. I felt so broken.
There was a huge void in my life of love. Raised in a Christian home, a pastor’s family, everything looked good and polished on the outside. Yet behind the scenes was a completely different story. Unknown to me at the time was the underlying work of generational occultism and it’s destructive effects on the family. One of the many results was a lack of being loved. Another indicator was the many attempts on my life by the enemy to kill me.
After hanging up the phone, I sat at my desk and cried out to the Lord, “I just want someone to love me!”
After saying this, I wanted to get up but I couldn’t. I was frozen. Instantly, I was taken back to another time where I experienced the same paralysis.
Classes at my high school had just ended and I was on my way home. I waited at the corner of the street for the crosswalk light to change. As was my habit, I stood at the edge of the curb ready to step out as soon as the light indicated it was safe to cross. When the light changed, I was frozen in place. “Why can’t I move?” I wondered to myself. As soon as I asked this question, a motorcyclist ran the red light, cutting the corner into the wrong lane, leaning into his turn right in front of me. He was so close I could have touched his helmet with my hand at shoulder height. If I had stepped out when the light changed, I would have taken two steps into the street putting me in front of the motorcycle. Instantly, I knew the Lord had intervened and saved my life.
My thoughts returned to my situation in my dorm room with the same feeling of not being able to move. It caused me to wonder if Lord was going to do something again. As I waited, He audibly called me by name and said, “I love you.” I felt the warmth of His love penetrate deep into my heart and I began to cry again.
wordswag_1476729791314Over the years, the Lord has shown His love and protection of me. It does not matter what anyone does or does not do; whether I am loved or not loved by people; nor does it matter what the enemy’s plans and purposes are. The plans and purposes of the Lord will prevail. My Heavenly Father loves me and Lord of Hosts protects me, all the while, He teaches my hands to wage effective war against the work of the enemy.

rivkah-bio-picture-cymkRivkah Isaacs is the founder of Treasures of Glory Ministries in San Diego, California. Her purpose in
ministry is to equip the Bride of Christ for victory in the spiritual battle that wages on from ancient times. After years of application and study in spiritual warfare, Rivkah’s series on “The Fruit of the Holy Spirit as Spiritual Warfare” was birthed to come in the opposite spirit of the attacks of the Enemy in order to overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).
Rivkah also leads a prayer team that intercedes for the healing of our nations. Prayer topics cover keeping covenant with the Lord in the seven mountains of Culture and are based on the biblical principles of Repentance, Replacement, Forgiveness and Blessing Israel.
If you would like to sign up for the weekly emails to pray for the healing of our nations, you can do so at:
Author of “Covenant & Religion,” the first book in the series “Covenant & Religion, (available on Amazon and Kindle).

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